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How entrepreneurs can benefit from MPs Global Investors Summit

Global Investors Summit is a business summit organized by Madhya Pradesh government, let's talk about how your startup could benefit from it.  

How entrepreneurs can benefit from MPs Global Investors Summit

Wednesday October 19, 2016 , 2 min Read

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurating Global Investors Summit 2014

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurating Global Investors Summit 2014

The INVEST Madhya Pradesh Global Investors Summit is a biennial business symposium hosted in the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh, Indore. This year, as reported by CII, around 5,000 delegates from around the world are expected to join the event.

So how can your startup benefit from one of India's largest business summits?

As the name suggests, GIS is an investors summit, from Mr.Ambani to Kumar Mangalam Birla, the country's top businessmen are expected to attend the event. Textile, ESDM, Tourism, Automobile & Engineering, Agri-business & Food Processing, Urban Development and Pharmaceutical sectors are in prime focus in this year's event.

For startups and small businesses, especially the ones who operate in these sectors, the exhibition could be the catch. An exhibition is being hosted on both the days from where the businesses could exhibit their products to the investors, startups and small businesses based in Madhya Pradesh have a special advantage here as the state government would also help them expand. Around 2,000 foreign delegates are also going to attend the event, so if you're looking to go offshore, this might be your moment.

So by participating in the event, you can get a chance to meet numerous investors as well as fellow startups, so the conclusion is to not to miss this golden opportunity and head for Indore ASAP.