Which Digital Marketing Assets should you invest in?

The share of digital marketing is rising day by day when it comes to marketing budgets. Businesses are investing more in digital marketing due to the wider audiences, increased reach and greater ROI it offers.
But it is often difficult to determine where should you invest your digital marketing funds in? Here are a few digital marketing assets you must consider investing in:
A fully-functional website
All the traffic that different marketing methods drive lands on your website. It is your brand’s dot com that represents your business online. Thus, before you hire an online marketing agency invest in any other digital asset, it is important to get your website optimized for:
• User-friendly experience
• Page load speed
• Mobile devices - responsive design
• Navigation
• Organic search
Content marketing
While most people confuse content marketing with blogging, it is so much more. Content marketing includes developing a content strategy with well-planned targets, tactics, content creation, promotion and measuring results. Your content plan should include:
• Social media posts
• Newsletters
• Blogs
• Case studies
• Videos
• Illustrations
• Online presentations
• Infographics
• Research reports
Most businesses still get a majority of their traffic from organic search, which makes it important for you to invest in search engine optimization. Majority of internet users are likely to check your website out if you make it to the top 5 results in the SERPs for their search query.
Also, following the best SEO practices helps in improving the overall user experience of your website.
Paid ads
It is always good to get traffic from organic search and referral traffic. But you should definitely consider investing in giving your digital marketing tactics a paid boost as well. Make your social posts reach a greater audience through paid social – social paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Similarly, paid search campaigns can drive you more traffic from search queries. Invest in AdWords campaigns.
Hire a digital marketing agency
Seeking professional expertise is always a good decision to give your digital marketing results a significant boost. Consider hiring a digital marketing company with a team of specialists in strategy development, SEO, PPC, social media management, web development, mobile app development and measuring results.
With so many digital assets that are worth investing in, you may feel like increasing your budget. Trust us, you are not alone. The enticing world of digital marketing is worth the investment, in terms of both time and money.