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Digital marketing Vs information technology : Which is best for career growth in 2017

Digital Marketing Vs Information Technology in 2017

Digital marketing Vs information technology : Which is best for career growth in 2017

Thursday June 08, 2017 , 6 min Read

The Indian IT sector has been a major partaker in shaping the country’s global trade and GDP, sizing up to a whopping $150 billion. Not just this, it has also been at the leading edge when it comes to generating white collar jobs and pulling up latent employment scenario of the economy. Universities and campuses all over the country have remained thronged by IT giants Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro, etc for recruitments, but all is not good in the hood of late. With the IT sector eyeing a 14% job reduction in the coming few years.


The IT sector is said to see massive layoffs from the past few decades. Here’s why:

• The automation sector has risen with galloping pace, and is said to replace jobs which are monotonous and repetitive in nature, which are more or less the characteristics of a typical IT job. With the increase in technological advancements and economic investments, automation is on its way to bid against the IT sector with this competitive advantage.

• With the implementation of new visa rules by US President Donald Trump, the substantial amount of Indians working abroad (who form the major part of their InfoTech sector) are badly hit. India being a labour intensive economy, is unable to accommodate this sudden surge of incoming unemployed expats in our country, making the scenario all the more dismal. Not just US, but many foreign companies are freezing their intake of outstation employees, and are switching over to indigenous recruitments from their individual countries.

Digital Media Boom

The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry acts as an overlooking and regulatory body for TV, Print, Films, Radio, Music, Animation and VFX, Gaming and Digital Advertising. It has been influencing the way Indian audience consume visual data, and has impacted the society in a large way, by creating awareness and regulating viewer content, in terms of providing information.


As per the FICCI-KPMG Report, 2016, the amount spent on digital advertising has seen a manifold increase, and is growing prominent over the years. According to their study, digital advertising spending has grown to 38.2 per cent from the previous year, amounting to reach INR 60 billion. They have also predicted this to cross INR 250 billion in 2020, owing to various factors such as,

• Raising budget allocation to improve customer engagement through digital media

• Paradigm shift of traditional business towards digital channels of marketing and advertising, eyeing better growth opportunities.

• Increased penetration of smartphones over the years

• Growth in spending and budget allocation for mobile marketing and advertising by companies

Expansion of e-commerce companies in terms of monetary disbursement on a continued basis.

As per Economic Times, Digital Marketing jobs are set to sweep the job market in the current few years. Let us further understand the relevance and need of a digital marketing course, in India

#1. Digital Marketing is here to stay

We are mostly surrounded by digital mediums such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart watch, wearables and what not! Not just this, we have also surpassed TV in terms of annual digital consumption by viewers. Now that’s a forecast that surely validates the presence and monumental growth of digital era in near future. Many firms, governments, NGOs and communities are heavily investing in the development and structuring of the Digital marketing framework, so as to attract and target relevant audience for mutual benefit.

This most definitely has become the quintessential reason for any individual today, to take up digital marketing as a career and move towards enhancing his/her skill set for the same.

#2. Demands for Digital Marketing Skills

Digital marketing as a career has been rated as one of the top 5 professions to watch out for this year.

It is indicative of the fact that digital marketing offers a lucrative career option for those who want to encash on the current developments in the market, owing to industry dynamism.

There is a huge requirement for skilled digital marketers in the country as of now, which we are currently falling short of. All the major industries of the market, be it real estate or hospitality or even food, digital marketing has pervaded deep into their functioning, that companies are on a colossal hunt for digital marketers, with sky-rocketing demand. Another reason to take up that digital marketing skill development course right now, and what better place, than Digital Marketing School!

#3. Digital Marketing gives Better paying jobs

As digital marketing is primarily involved in direct client handling and delivery, a trained digital marketer will be able to understand the revenue model easily and you can supervise the the movement of goods. Nowadays, companies are looking for individuals who have additional skills in the corresponding industy.

#4. Digital and Marketing strategies go hand in hand.

Companies today are largely banking on adopting the digital way to revolutionaries their traditional mundane ways of doing business. This paradigm shift is paving the way for industries to go for digital marketing for their own positioning and branding, necessitating the need to expand the business and getting skilled and trained Digital Marketers

#5. Affordable and Better ROI

Needless to say, digital marketing training is the most affordable and economical skill set to add on. It’s affordable rates also guarantee the individual on getting placed in a company.

This simply goes on to show that traditional job market (IT Sector) is currently declining at a very speedy pace, and a career in digital marketing is the best alternative at the right now.

In the wake of digital marketing skill development scenario, there are several institutes across the country that offer training and development in this field, to bridge the gap between demand and supply of skilled digital marketers in the industry. They are many institutes are born to train students in digital marketing, institutes like Digital Marketing School, Digital nest, DSIM etc are training the students in DM course. Mostly demand in Digital marketing training in Hyderabad is increasing day by day.

With the change and expansion of modern day technology, businesses are doing everything possible to reap maximum benefits from the global phenomenon of digital marketing. The traditional Brick and Mortar industries are adapting their business models to meet the online ones, or expanding their current business using online marketing strategies.

The deciding factor of which industry is successful in the digital arena, lies in their prowess of targeting and converting the online audience, with the availability of segmented targeting and analysis. Just by getting adequate traffic on the website or enough clicks to keep you at bay, one cannot call them a successful enterprise, in the digital marketing scenario.

This has given birth to an aware business group, who understand the relevance and importance of scheduling their digital marketing activities to profit in the current industry, which forms the base of growing need of skilled digital marketers in the country.