Top 6 reasons why your mobile App doesn't have enough downloads & affects download ratio
Today mobile application became a whole part of user life. Business changes their way and stays in online presence by making a mobile application. But many of them fail to generate more revenue from mobile application just because of they do not follow some rule, regulation, and awareness.

I personally feel that people including me doing something via our smartphone and probably for that we find a mobile application for it.
Let me feel you and realize you what I feel and you too.
Example - I wake up at early 5 AM and for that, I downloaded mobile application with some extra and innovative feature instead of an inbuilt application.
Example - For my morning schedule I am using mobile application that notifies me the task at a particular moment which earlier I set.
Example - For running and exercise I downloaded mobile application which has extra feature that helps me lots of.
Example - For entertainment in free time I downloaded some cool application for listening music, watching a movie, play game in virtual reality feeling and many more.
This is an example to realize you like me that how we use a mobile application in our daily life. If I give a similar example so I have more than 1000 example like that for using a mobile application in my daily life and that makes my life easier.
I recommended to you feel personal to put yourself on my position and think what are a mobile application you used in daily life, how often you used in a day, how they help, what are key benefit you got from the mobile application and many more question.
So people are more depends on “On-Demand-Mobile-Application” to makes their live effective and effortless.
Let bring to you more in-depth details by some of the original proof term.
According to Burson-Marsteller’s the on-demand survey is as follow -
- 86.5 million American is used on demand services mobile application in daily basis and among them, 42% are adult population
- 45 million American are provided on-demand services to their customer and among them, 22% are adult population
- 51% who accept on-demand services and start to provide on-demand services is gathering good financial situation compared to past years.
- 64% who start to offer on-demand services is improving their financial situation in a coming year.
- 51% who are startup and offering on-demand services is under 35 years of age people.
- 41% who offer on-demand services is live in urban areas.
So by this statistic, you can realize and it is cleared that users have begun to depend heavily on mobile application but the fact is among 80% business are failing in user engagement. They are hiring mobile application development companies and make end-product but that doesn't feet to customer requirements and not make them satisfied.
Hey, are you business-owner or entrepreneur or solopreneur and have a mobile application but aren't sufficiently bring revenue from it?
So following are some reason that causes this issue. We personally suggest you this to follow.
1- Technical Issue in certain moment

Let ask you one question?
Question by story -
Let you plan on watching a movie and buy a ticket and finally, you reach to Movie Theater and seat to a chair in front of a screen and accidentally screen is off by some technical issue.
Now my question is "how you felt at that time".
Before answer this question I hint you something that this problem happened in rare cases but minded you lifetime while you plan on watching a movie in the same theater and not prefer for future movie plan.
Do you know why I am saying this example because this same problem happened with real-time to your customer while browsing your mobile application?
Do you know what if your customer felt same technical or logical problem in your business application?
They never came to browse second time your application and even influenced their friend too.
2- Bad and complicated design

Let ask you one question.
Question by story -
Let you plan dinner or lunch at a restaurant. “Which is first thought came to mind?"
I think your answer is same as mine i.e. if I want to dinner or lunch on the old restaurant so I figure which is best food serving, which one cleaner, which one more valuable services provide. If I want to plan dinner or lunch on the new restaurant so I make a decision on look and feel of mine experience and their visitor too through an online or offline medium.
This same example related to a business mobile application.
If your customer feels good and find some informative things from your business mobile application and make them educative then they browse second time or many times whenever required your industry services.(Same as if I visit old restaurant).
If you achieve future more customer than look and feel is the first term to figure out. (Same as if I visit new restaurant).
So how UI (User Interaction) and UX (User Experience) is important for your business mobile app development.
Remember if your customer is happy with your business application so a chance to influenced to their friend too while they looking for your industry services.
One thing also minded you that if a business mobile application is difficult to understand so chance to decrease download ration.
So make your business mobile application lesser complicated to understand by a user.
Do you know what my rules is – “If my mobile application is understood by normal people so highly chance to also my customer understand too”
3- Not choosing right platform and target platform

Now I ask you one question.
Question by story -
Let you plan to open food court. Now my question is - "where you think you food court will be?"
Probably your answer is - near to school, near to college, near to business building, near to an enjoyable place where people are like to enjoy, near to garden, in a mall and many more.
But why your answer not like this - near to way where no more crowd.
Hence target place plays a major role in your food court.
Same as avail here.
Target platform is highly considered for your business revenue. If you aren't able to figure out so not be frustrated. Try to contact and chat with your mobile application development company or mobile application developer. If they have experienced in the field of development so they definitely know how to leverage revenue from your business mobile application through some specific platform.
4- Implementation of strategy is wrong or bad

Bad strategy implementation or no strategy implementation experience to you failure. something regards from the marketing team and something regards developer things strategy that you have to implement for your business mobile application.
Implementation regards marketing strategy, promotion of brands, educative video to a user, and informative content of your industry implementation, how got benefit from us and many things to figure out.
But what if you missing out this. The things as much as simple if you not involved in implementation strategy that chance to drastically decreasing employee’s confidence and result you got that user avoids using application for present and future too.
If you don't know how to implement good strategy so there are many mobile application development company also provide services of marketing your business mobile application.
5- Improvement of the mobile application as per consumer demand

Sometimes business launches mobile application and got a good response at a time but the things after we see that they not get the same level of experience and experienced fewer download. This happened due to a user request for the changer and want to update application more interactive but the app does not provide a response. If we can't change application due to user perspective what they needed more than at the end result they write bad reviews followed by uninstalling.
6- Not running with trends

There are lots of new trends born like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, iBeacon Technology, Wearable Application and much more.
You don't believe but that is true that business now integrates this trending technology with their business mobile application to give a better experience to a user.
If your business mobile application is not integrated with trending technology so might a chance to stay away from competition in future.
Even if you do not provide a better experience to a user with trending demands so chances to affect in download ration too.
Now put yourself in front of a mirror and ask your self - "Is this your fault"?
No this is not your only your fault some fault you done and some fault done by mobile app development company or mobile application developer.
So I recommended to you hire best mobile app development company or hire dedicated mobile application developer who has more experience and aware of a future issue.
Remember experienced person have all idea about a future issue and they also implemented corresponded feedback to that issue.
Conclusion –
Today mobile application for business is the important stream to generate revenue and stay in a market but 80% business fail marketing through mobile application due to not follow above 6 causes. If a business follows rule and guidelines for developing marketing than a chance to get more revenue and bit competitor.