Change = ( D x V x F )> R
How to Drive Successful Organization Change
Change isn’t just hard for employees—it’s hard for leaders, too. Leaders empowered with setting change strategy and making sure change implementation is successful. Driving change is a complex and laborious process if it is not well planned. Before driving a change, one needs to diagnose / access whether it required and if required what exactly you want to achieve. Employees generally prefer a steady environment, where they know what to expect every day, change can prove challenging for morale and comfort. Below is the process flow to drive a successful change in any organization.

How do you access Change?
David Gleicher created the formula for change while he was working at Arthur D. Little in the 60s, and refined by Kathie Dannemiller in 80s. The formula provides a model to assess the relative strengths affecting the likely success of organizational change programs.
D = Dissatisfaction with how things are now;
V = Vision of what is possible
F = First concrete steps that can be taken towards the vision.
R = Resistance
This formula is more principle-based, one cannot put numbers or score, what Danemiller is trying to say that is when you multiply D, V, and F, if anyone is zero or low, then the product will be zero or low hence not able to overcome the resistance. D,V, and F are critical attributes and need to be clearly defined in any organization to overcome Resistance. To ensure successful change, it is necessary to use influence and strategic thinking to create a vision and identify critical steps towards it. Also, the organization must recognize and accept the dissatisfaction that exists by deeply listen to the employee voice and share industry trends, best practices, and competitor analysis to identify the necessity for change.
- Start with your organization's current policies, procedures, and workflows. Find out how long those have been in place. If it is used for over five years, then you should consider making changes to reflect current technology, trends and environmental changes.
- Deeply listen to your employees. Ask them for input, ideas, and suggestions. Listen to problems or complaints they are facing in their daily operations. Ask if their work-space and resources is sufficient to accomplish the tasks that are expected of them. Ensure they understand how their role fits into the overall goal and mission of the organization
Employee resist change because they believe they will lose something of value, or fear of not able to adapt to the new ways. So help them to reduce anxiety by bring as much clarity as possible.
Often organizational change goes wrong if it’s being treated purely as an implementation of a new process. The Leader uses a logical approach to deal with the practical elements of the change, but ignores the emotional side of the equation, hence remember the emotional side of the equation is D & F, make sure you deeply listen to employees and the First Concrete Steps should come from your employees or at least they should be part of the decision making in order to drive a successful organization change.