How do I make the absolutely optimized page?
Most of the SEO Experts don't know how to absolutely make an optimized page content, Here you can find the best gimmicks to build perfectly optimized page. Hope SEO guys enjoys this tricks and implement on your web page to rank higher in SERP.

SEO Page optimization
In Digital Marketing field, there are many people having this question often in their mind, How to make the absolutely optimized page? Digital Marketers did a lot of practice on content & page optimization and finally list out how to optimize content and page perfectly, but as Search Engine has evolved it’s not enough, we need to explore more on page optimization to rank higher in Search Engine. Low optimized content does not work whatever you have done with off-page optimization like referring links, blogs, social signal etc., Here I have listed effective page optimization gimmicks from the reputed SEO Training in Chennai who has successfully ranked a lot of pages in Search Engine under the Google guidelines.
“Keep reading more to brush up your SEO skills”
In earlier days, SEO people have concentrated more on keyword placement; because Search Engine is very much interested in checking the certain place of the HTML code to help to point out a page relevancy for the query. But now a days it doesn’t work for the major two reasons, they are
• It’s particularly more difficult to evaluate and rank pages for Google and Bing based on the Keyword-based algorithm and the relevancy.
• Ahead of a small advantage in a Keyword-based algorithm element may spoil on the whole ranking because of how it impacts user experience with your site.
Seven Healthy Page Optimization Techniques You Must Know
1. Title
You may read a lot of posts about Title optimization on the internet; all might say the same message like stuffing your keyword in Title.
Optimizing Title is not only placing your keywords, you need to make your Title more ace and also it should enhance online user experience. It’s only evaluated based on how many clicks that your website has earned. Place catchy phrases or potential keywords in prior of your title.
2. Heading
Placing keywords in the H1 tag is mandatory even though you need to keep you heading as relevant to your Title because your page visitors as expected to click your page that same content presented on Title have appeared on your H1 tag. It’s highly essential to make your visitor trusted on your page content.
3. Body Text
Body text of your page content should be more casual and informative, Don’t push your keywords by using content, when you call someone and ask to read the content, It should be more informative and useful from the user point of view, If it is not like that, you probably overdoing the content by stuffing keywords.
The quality of content is more important, so keep in mind, that you are writing content for the user instead of writing content for Search Engine. Our SEO Training research recommends that it’s just about using potential keywords, still, Search Engine is exactly using sophisticated topic modelling algorithm to evaluate the relevance and maybe quality too.
Use keywords in a natural way; so that you can satisfy the user as well as you can rank well on a SERP page. Content those contain so many keywords has met negative impact on ranking.
4. URL
A high-quality URL has some key aspects, but the major one is using the keyword. Good URL not only helps with search engine relevancy directly, but URL frequently used as anchor text around the internet.
5. Image ALT Attributes
Those people who are doing SEO must know that when the alt attributes are treated likewise to anchor text in a text link and when the image is linked. For Search Engine, the Alt attribute, File name, Image Title, Surrounding text all are important from a perspective of ranking. Your image has a chance to show up in an image search result. Established, New interface in Google has significantly lowered the image search traffic, but I still discover immense value in having your brand name related to the production of useful photos, visual elements and graphics.
6. External and Internal Links
A good page content doesn’t contain more than four links from any other page on a website, which should go to the relevant information what they are discussed. Both internal and external linking plays a vital role, Our SEO Course in Chennai will teach you effectively that we can use internal and external lining to rank higher in Search Engine for particular pages.
7. Meta Description
The major goal of placing keywords in Meta description should be to make the searcher’s click, the Meta description is not directly used in the Search Engine ranking algorithm, but that does not mean that are not significant. Using keywords in Meta description will help the searcher have to find the right page in a SERP.
There are a lot of advanced concepts and tips are taught in our SEO Training Institute in Chennai, If you are an SEO experts, who wants to sharpen your SEO skills in current Search Engine way or If you are a newbie wants to kick start your career into the Digital Marketing world, enroll our Digital Marketing Course to sustain a long period in highly demanding digital world.