Definitive Guide to Master Google Analytics like a Pro
You have always read about how important it is to include metrics analysis and measurement in your marketing. However, if you are new to digital marketing, all the figures might overwhelm you. It was already hard enough to master the marketing strategy itself. So, adding something new to learn might become an information-overload.

However, Google has luckily provided every marketer with a free tool to make this part of the marketing strategy easier to learn.
Google Analytics!
In a nutshell, this tool can let you track metrics in different aspects of your digital marketing strategy like your website or mobile app traffic, conversion channels, user behavior, and a lot more. To date, Google analytics is the most widely used tool around the Internet today.
We understand that Google Analytics may still be complex especially for complete beginners. So, we listed a few suggestions on how you can become an expert at Google Analytics in no time.
Free Courses
If you want to learn something new but you are kind of hesitant in investing in it, there are always free courses available for you to take. In fact, free courses are ideal as a foundation for learning the more advanced features of Google Analytics.
Actually, Google has a wide range of intuitive courses that are free and aimed at learning Google Analytics from a beginner level to an advanced one. Google’s free course is designed to aid a complete beginner in learning the basic foundation of the tool. Also, it will let you know important terminologies that you will encounter a lot in the future.
One good thing about Google’s free courses is that it provides a simulation of the Google Analytics experience as you go along the course. This way, you do not only learn about it, but you also get to have a direct experience in using it, making you more familiar with the platform with each milestone of the course.
YouTube Videos

YouTube is a gold mine. Apart from the videos of kittens and puppies you watch during your break time, the video-sharing platform is also loaded with valuable tutorial videos about a lot of things. There are tutorial videos on handicrafts, building cars, creating apps, and a lot more.
This means that there are heaps of YouTube videos teaching you how to use Google Analytics. Most of these videos are from Google. It’s like an extension of their free courses.
However, if you want to learn more or you want to know what others have to say about Google Analytics, there are videos uploaded by expert marketers. Some of them are tutorials while some share a few tips and insights on how you can improve your skills in using Google Analytics.
So, the next time you open YouTube, you might want to set aside time to browse through and watch a few Google Analytics videos.
Paid Online Courses

Google’s free course about Google Analytics is a bit limited to the basic use of the platform. It is actually just designed to make people become adaptive to the tool.
At this point, you do not want to be stuck at just being a basic user. You want to advance your skills and learn higher levels of usage skills. However, learning them can come at a price. You will need to pay to get enrolled in online courses that will teach you things about Google Analytics and more.
Why should you consider paying? First of all, you will be learning from experts. Those that offer these paid courses are popular and top-notch in the field of digital marketing. They have already made a name for themselves as one of the few successful marketers to date.
Second, these courses are accredited. So, you will get certifications as proof of your skill level. Moreover, you will also gain access to a lot of premium tools, tips, and tricks that you would not learn elsewhere.
Blogs and Articles
Obviously, if you are doing digital marketing, you know that valuable content is king. Aside from the courses you chose to enroll in, make it a habit to follow authority sites that publish amazing articles about Google Analytics.
The dynamics of this tool (and the whole digital marketing in general) can change over time so you need to update yourself with what’s new. You will never know how the perfectly working strategies today will not work tomorrow.
Every business that wants to start digital marketing should learn how to use Google Analytics one way or another. It might be a little confusing at first but it is vital. So, you just have to learn it. It takes time but we say that you take your time because you will reap the benefits of your efforts if you learn how to master Google Analytics like a pro.
About Ritu Sharma:
Ritu Sharma is the Content Insights Manager at SEO Services Company PageTraffic, one of Asia's most award-winning & recognized Digital Search Marketing agency. She has been the spear head of many successful Content Marketing Campaigns for PageTraffic.