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Sunil Muniraj Speaks About How To Be A Young CEO

Sunil Muniraj Speaks About How To Be A Young CEO

Monday October 24, 2016 , 2 min Read

Sunil Muniraj Speaks About How To Be A Young CEO

Sunil Muniraj Speaks About How To Be A Young CEO

I was one among the crowd of journals and aspiring MBA students who have gathered to attend a speech delivered by Sunil Muniraj - the CEO and Co-founder of Sagacious InfoSystems. "Hello everyone", his voice echoed throughout the auditorium. "Before we start off, let me ask you, how many of you loves to daydream?" Only few hands rose up, to this question of his. "I see, very few".

"Let me tell you, young people, it is very important to dream if you seriously want to achieve something in life. Because until and unless you are not sure of what you want out of life, you can't be happy in your career, forget about starting a new venture. Dreams are like the flights that allow us to reach our destinations, sooner or later".

Each word that he was uttering with an infectious smile, were so clear and motivating that it made the crowd listen to him without any confusion. From his speech, one thing was very clear that he is not the one to beat his words round the bush.

He continued, "you also need to have a strong sense of passion and perseverance. When you constantly strive to give in your best shot, one fine day your idea will take the form of the business you desired to establish. Sagacious InfoSystems was not in my mind when I was in college. That time I was a very simply regular guy. But once I started my career, I quickly realized that working under someone is not at all my cup of coffee. It was then I got to realize that I need to start something of my own. Since that day I worked in bits and pieces to give my idea a reality check".

Whatever he told that day, hold a lot of truth. After all it is not everyone who get to become a CEO at a young age. He as well offered examples of renowned entrepreneurs from around the globe and very inspiringly concluded that they are today in such pinnacle of success because more than doing something innovative they focused more on filling the requirement of the generation.

For His Biography:

Sunil Muniraj