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Evolving Technology: What's Next for DApp Development?

Evolving Technology: What's Next for DApp Development?

Wednesday February 06, 2019 , 3 min Read

What's Next for DApp Development?

Ehereum DApp development aspires to revamp the economy by helping the public to adapt towards a more decentralized economy. There have been many recent advancements in DApp development, and many more promotions seem to be possible shortly. Angur, Status, and Golem are some of the successful DApps that are produced with the help of blockchain technology. A venture capitalist is investing millions in blockchain companies, and there is massive scope for Ethereum-based DApps.

Improving Governments

Blockchain technology has the potential to improve government contracts. The government spends a lot of time in filtering the good projects from the poor ones. With the implementation of the blockchain, DApp development can reduce time consumption by checking which plan has a good record on transparency and productivity. Also, they can check their history of completed projects from their mobile devices. This swift, immutable, and convenient process can allow governments to streamline their operation and initiate a smart contract with the best prices available.

Improving Gaming's Payment System

The primary purpose of DApps was to transform smartphones into a light client node within the Ethereum network. It allows everyone to access Ethereum's entire ecosystem from virtually anywhere by using a messenger system from where users can pay each other. But now, the technology is rapidly expanding, and DApp development company may soon revolutionize the gaming industry. The games are growing popularity and consumers are willing to invest their real money into virtual currency within the gaming environment.

But, that leads to a currency exchange problem. The current gaming payment systems are slow for consumers who want to exchange their currency for in-game items. The DApp developer can make a payment framework like Enjin Coin and WAX which makes the cryptocurrency exchange in the game much more straightforward. Moreover, DApps allow game developers to publish titles that accept digital funds for in-game items in a decentralized marketplace rather than a centralized marketplace like Google Play. This solution will help in increasing the market size more swiftly.

The Future of DApp Development

There are many more reasons to be excited about the future of DApps. Blockchain technology not only allows people to be unbounded by third parties when consuming content online or accepting decentralized digital funds. The future of DApp is bright as it is transforming the status quo of technology. If you are looking for DApp developers for your project, then you can contact us at and hire DApp developer in India.