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How is storytelling a key ingredient of world class market research services?

How is storytelling a key ingredient of world class market research services?

Friday April 21, 2017 , 3 min Read

The prerequisite standards of market research have enhanced many folds in the present days. Storytelling is considered to be an integral part of market research. The starting point is the objective and systematic collection of data. However, there is only one thing which is going to make research recommendations listened to, returned to and adhered to. And, that’s the story. There are 9 key ingredients of market research storytelling:

1. Scene

A story should be more authentic and memorable to the audience. Companies that offer top class market research services are considered to be expert users of descriptions and anecdotes that characterize the environment of the market in which a study in done. Understanding the requirement of the market is recognized to be a principal objective of different market research companies. It becomes easy for the targeted audience once they have a clear picture of the daily activities, a mind of market forces and challenges that are faced by potential customers.

2. Starts

A hero or a star is known to be the leading part in most strong stories that is empathized by the audience. The hero navigates the story alongside. Great companies offering market research services start from the audience perspective from the beginning until the end. More specific targeted audience depicts a more concise story and thus more focused recommendations.

3. Suspense

Suspense is considered to be indispensable for making a story more engaging. The same fact holds true in the case of companies bestowing market research services. A great presentation is build layer by layer towards a conclusion that is useful for the audience in joining the dots and working out the main answer while they go. While forming the story, the storyteller makes use of repeated notes towards the ultimate conclusion, thereby preventing the risks of not getting to the point.

4. Struggle

Every successful story consists of a struggle between temptation and good or restraint. Companies imparting market research services also involve a struggle at the core. They have been commissioned so that one can select between alternative courses of action. A well-renowned market research company depicts the advantages and disadvantages in an engaging manner, emphasize on the primary salient points and recommend at the end how the struggle can be won.

5. Sequence

The sequence in which the narration of events are done influence the ways in which suspense is created and how perfectly the story ends up. A number of market research companies are brilliant in creating an engaging sequence of events and they understand the prerequisites of this skill. Boring presentations should be sequenced in a chronological way. Skillful storytellers sequence the story in a thematic way that lets the audience to choose one story at a time.

6. Synonyms

Analogies and synonyms are useful for the creation of links between complex, new topics. The story is anchored in quotidian experiences that make the story more memorable and understandable. While using synonyms, it is a prerequisite to remember that the synonymous situations should be familiar to the audience.
