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Steps followed by market research outsourcing companies before launching new products

New ideas are coming every day for services and products. However, a majority of them fail miserably as they were not introduced into the market in a proper manner.

Steps followed by market research outsourcing companies before launching new products

Friday May 19, 2017 , 3 min Read

Market Research Outsourcing companies ensure that the launch of products will hit the right buttons. These companies also make sure that the products are designed keeping in mind the requirements of the customer.


Here are the different steps that are taken by these companies in order to make the product launch a success in the market. The steps are mentioned below:

1. Gain information about the market and the competitors

Most of the market research outsourcing companies reveal interesting and unknown facts about the market, even if you know that you are already aware of it. For instance, extensive researches have revealed that fact, a number of people use snacks as a substitute for meals. Hence, snacks of confectionery type are in higher demand. Thus, peanuts, cereal, fruits, biscuits are in higher requirements in comparison to chocolates. In a similar way, the starting of a product launch also indicates the necessity for understanding the competitors, the products, and services they are going to offer. You also need to know what uniqueness they have in their product. Though you think that there is no competition for your product, you can put yourself in the shoes of the customers and think what they will purchase in lieu of what you are offering.Thus, reviewing the marketing materials of the competitors and evaluating what are the new offerings are considered to be indispensable prior to launching a new product.

2. Targeting your potential customers

For procuring maximized results from the market at the reduced cost, it is integral to focus on the specific products people will purchase from you. For instance, your potential customers are purchasing a specific type of product and want to have a similar product with added features. The best customers will let you know their requirements for a specific product, their capability of purchasing the product. To be precise, it is easier to fill the existing requirements than creating new ones.

3. Determination of the marketing strategy

At the specific point, the market research outsourcing companies will collect the prerequisite information of how the market can sell the products in the best way, which channels should be used. Making use of multiple channels are considered to be an amazing option. Direct response marketing is recognized to be a great option as it confers higher return on investment.

4. Testing the products

Product testing is crucial prior to launching a product. This can be very simple like filling a survey form on the basis of key performance indicators. At times, observational and sophisticated video recording techniques are used by market research outsourcing companies in order to test the products.

5. Rolling out the marketing campaigns

Once the time for launching the products come, both public relations and advertisements become an indispensable part of launching new products. Market researchers play a vital role in this regard as they assist in monitoring the results of the campaign and adjusting the techniques for focusing on them.