Fortnite season 7: Everything you need to know about Season 7
Fortnite season 7: In Fortnite, at the beginning of the week of Battle Royale, Epic released the 14 days of Fortnite, which include regular daily challenges for the next upcoming couple of few days.
c But there is nothing to panic about because there are still some new weekly challenges to complete if the player wants to power through more tiers of the ‘Battle Pass’.
Though, this week’s challenges take advantage of some of the new ‘season 7 map locations’, but at the same time we can also notice the comeback of an old favorite challenge of the players which is known as a ‘search between challenge’.
Read this full blog carefully to know about this week’s challenges and the method of playing it.

Riding the New ZiplineIn Different Matches!
- Luckily, the new ziplines make it much easier to get around the map and especially up and down mountains.
- Observe, searching five ziplines shouldn’t be difficult as they are all over the map.
- Note- Player can ride only one zipline per match for matches to complete the challenge.
Method of completing stage 1- Land at Lonely Lodge!
- Recently, it has been seen that challenges need you to go from one named location to another but remember that this is just the standard land at named locations.
- There are in total five stages to this challenge, so the player is required to read the directions whenever they complete each one.
- However, if the player focuses on landing at each of the locations for five games while completing other challenges then will be able to get through this one pretty fast.
Method of Getting Legendary Weapon Elimination!
- Probably, the player shall not need to panic about this one as the player probably gets eliminations naturally.
- In simple words, the way it can be put is that whenever player have a legendary weapon, they are likely to use it whenever to get into firefights, so getting two eliminations can be said as something that does happen naturally throughout the week.
The Method of Searching Chests At Polar Peak Or Tomato Temple!
- Here, it is remarkable that Epic is providing the players with an option. It should make each of areas less crowded.
- To be in safer side, the player might wait for some days before hitting this one only because most of the main crowd will have already finished it which will be making it much safe for the player.
The Method OF Ringing A Doorbell In Different Named Locations In A Single Match!
- During Halloween, doorbell mission was added for Halloween challenges, and it also made sense ringing doorbells to the players.
- The ringing doorbell is of loads of fun, and it is easy too, but the player only requires ringing the doorbell in named locations for this challenge.
Hope, this blog would have been helpful to you.