Healthy Morning Routine for a Stress-Free Life
In our day to day life, when there are days with happiness, good news, or positive vibes, there are days with sadness, sorrow, or guilt. You can’t change what others can do to your life however you can definitely change things that are in your hands.
Everybody dreams about happy life and stress-free life however what is it that you are doing to make it happy and healthy? Here in this article, we have revealed a few steps that will make you happy and live a stress-free life.
Before we get started, let’s take out time to analyse how is it going?
- Are you facing trouble falling asleep or waking up on time?
- Gaining weight or low on immunity?
- Struggling with stomach pain or digestive issues?
- Feeling panic or high on heartbeats? Headache or muscle bursting pain?
- Craving for food or suffering mood swings?
Anything can trouble you in your day to day routine. Instead of getting stressed about the situation, you need to focus on the solutions. As it’s said, ‘Every problem has a solution.’ If you are stressed and carrying that stress at school, work, or in public, it may create more stress and hamper your relations. Here is what you can do to enhance your situation.

This is What You Will Do Tonight
When you come back home, if you feel stressed, if it was a rough day for you at work, you need to destress yourself before you go to bed. You may opt for any of the daily activity you feel that should destress you in a few minutes.
Few people listen to music, few take it to the gym and pump more iron, paint a canvas or sing on top of your lungs, thrash the punching bag or write your heart out in your diary or a journal.
After a few minutes, you will feel a shift in your mood and feel calm and destressed. This stress bursting activity that you chose will lift your mood towards happiness.
Plan Your Next Day
If it is an important day for you, plan everything a day before. From clothing to your files, essentials your breakfast to medicine. If you tend to forget things, paste sticky notes on your door to act as a reminder. Check the weather forecast, appointments, meetings, business calendars, Emails before you hit the bed. Sleep prepared so that you catch a good night’s sleep and wake up stress-free.
Don’t Hit Snooze – Just Wake Up

If you have a habit of snoozing the alarm clock, keep it at a reasonable distance. Put a sticky reminder on the clock itself. Set an alarm when you actually want to wake up instead of hitting snooze repeatedly. Try different modes like vibration, light, ring or play a song in the morning to wake you up.
Tidy Your Room or Work Space
As soon as you wake up, make your bed, and declutter the space around you. Arrange things neat and tidy around you so that you get a proper space to sit and a beautifully organized room. Many people do it in the night before they hit the bed as they don’t wish to do this first thing in the morning. A clean ambiance will fill you with positivity and good vibes.
Bring Your Temperature to 102 Degrees
The everyday workout is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your workout can be either in the morning or evenings. If you rush every day in the morning then you can simply do a light warm-up in the morning and finish up with proper exercise in the evening. I prefer a proper workout in the morning as you have plenty of energy to invest in the right place.
Treat Yourself Like a King

To feel super-rich in the morning, all you can do is have a king-size breakfast. People take breakfast before or after a shower depending on their habits and availability. It is advisable to free up with your washroom and get a healthy and well-decorated breakfast. A rainbow breakfast is good to have for a healthy lifestyle. You can add eggs, milk, juices, bread, or fruit salad with some filling stuff.
Spend Some Quality Time with Yourself
Don’t just rush to the mobile phone first thing in the morning. Spend some quality time with yourself to plan your day. This is the time when your mind is in the most constructive state and can take better decisions without any pressure. Have a cup of Coffee, Tea, Milk, or Juice whatever is your fuel and sip it slowly. Feel the taste and relish the first meal of the day.

Bonus Tips
- Visualize your day how you want it to be spent. Plan a few things and set reminders for the most important tasks that need to be done during the day.
- Instead of a morning workout, if you are running short of time, you can also do yoga and mindfulness meditation to strengthen your memory and calm yourself. This will also destress your burdens.
- Spend some time for gratitude! Thank god for blessing you with a new day, for life, for strength, for food and joy throughout the day. This will build your self-esteem and give you a positive outlook.
- Drink a bottle of water sip-by-sip to ensure that all the body organs are activated and you stay dehydrated throughout the day. Drinking a bottle of water improves everything in your body.
- Be consistent with the routine as this is not a one-day task. Practicing this on a routine basis will improve your physical and mental wellbeing and fill you with energy. This is the easiest way to live a stress-free life and give a good start to your challenging day.