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How Entrepreneurs Can Earn Recognition Using These Small Investment App-Based Business Ideas?

How Entrepreneurs Can Earn Recognition Using These Small Investment App-Based Business Ideas?

Monday April 08, 2019 , 5 min Read

Across the world, there is a dearth of jobs and many governments are facing the ire of people for not creating enough jobs. But, is it possible for the government to create the required amount of job? Definitely no. Instead, interested people can start their own enterprise or startups.

You would have seen many on-demand based startups in Europe, Asia, and the US providing some hundreds to thousands of jobs even for unskilled workers. Employment of such magnitude from startups can give a boost to developing countries.

Still, there is a misconception that startups need heavy initial investment. Not all startups require large investments. Many on-demand startups which work on less ownership models require very little investments and can provide good employment.

On-demand businesses are app based and examples for some of the successful on-demand firms are Ola, Zoomcar, GoJek, just to name a few.

The success of these on-demand firms is because of the far-reaching growth and reach of smartphones and the internet. Not to mention the comforts- people get when they use apps for many getting many services.

There are many other areas where the on-demand model is still unused and which has a lot of potentials. These areas also require little investment and with a zeal to work hard and a knack of entrepreneurship can make these startup a sure-shot winner.

Let us see some of the on-demand ideas which can be started with little investment.

Food delivery business

No one can live without food and nowadays and it has become difficult for office goers to cook at home in between their limited time.  There are also many people who want to take a little break from cooking. To cater to all of the above demands there came the on-demand food delivery business like UberEats. UberEats is the first company to start app-based food delivery although for decades many pizza shops offered delivery after a phone call.

The app-based food delivery business can be started as a place to list the restaurants along with their foods. Customers can order food from their favorite restaurants from anywhere and anytime.

Since the names of restaurants are listed in the apps, it can be used as a form of marketing since it will be seen even by people who haven’t had any idea about that restaurant.

So, if you are interested, you just need to create applications for this business and make all the restaurants in your area to come under an app. There are two ways to develop application for this food delivery business. One is by developing app from scratch and another is by getting UberEats clone scripts from vendors. We would always recommend using the latter since it is cost effective and it may sometimes be better than the original app.

In terms of employment generation, the food delivery persons can be used and for each order, they are paid an amount. Incentives and bonuses can also be provided to them.

The revenue model in this business is that for every order that is placed in a restaurant, you are paid a percentage of commission and apart from that you can charge advertisement fee from the restaurants.

Some of the prominent players in this business are Swiggy, Zomato, UberEats, etc. The magnitude of investment in this business is not high and if you are already in the restaurant business then, it is very easy.

Bottled water delivery

Water is an important commodity and the demand for clean and pure water is increasing day by day. In developing countries, spending on healthcare is increased because of the spread of waterborne diseases. So, by providing clean water we can avert the spending of the huge amount of money.

Many companies provide purified drinking water. But the process of getting that to the end customer is a big problem. What if there is a provision for the people to order bottled drinking water via mobile apps.

The business model is similar to the food delivery business explained before. Similar to that the interested person has to create apps and list all the bottled water manufacturers in his locality. For every order, you get a certain percentage as commission.

Bulk ordering for schools, restaurants, offices, industries can also be made using the apps.

Grocery delivery

In the food delivery business, readymade food from the restaurant is delivered to the customers. Here in grocery delivery as the name suggests grocery items are delivered to the doorsteps.

The target customers are people who always want to cook delicious food at home and not willing to buy foods from restaurants.

This business can be done in two ways. One is the marketplace model and next is owning a grocery store and all the ordered goods will be sent from one place. The latter model is capital intensive and it works as a monopoly. So, the marketplace model is the right approach. Even you can list small grocery shops.

All the above-stated on-demand businesses are less money intensive to start and run.

Similar to the above businesses there are some more ideas like bakery delivery, alcohol delivery, medical marijuana, flower delivery, pharmacy delivery, just to name a few.

App development for the above on-demand business model

Normally the above specified on-demand businesses consist of the customer app, delivery person app, store web app, and admin panel.

Each app has its own set of features suited to the respective users. To further decrease the investment you can get the apps for your business from vendors who readily have such apps. With a little bit of tweak and customization, you will get apps suited to your locality.  

With passion and growth mindset, one can easily sustain in these on-demand businesses. First determine the most needed services in your place and compute the total investment and ROI.