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How to Make a Custom Healthcare CRM

The practical use and importance of all these features is a turning point for you to decide to create patient management software. And if you do decide to create a customizable CRM system for your medical facility, let the Jelvix handle that! We have huge expertise in the development of such softwar

How to Make a Custom Healthcare CRM

Wednesday March 13, 2019 , 5 min Read

When a new medical establishment is being opened or the existing one is being scaled, it is very important to automate and modernize all the essential workflow elements. To consider this importance in a broader sense: setting up an establishment, the administration usually sets goals to provide it with modern equipment, hires highly-qualified medical staff, launches an advertising campaign, and plans optimal pricing policies. Nevertheless, according to practice, all these features are completely helpless in the face of one big flaw in the servicing system that is most felt with a regular flow of customers/patients. Thus, two people can accidentally schedule a gastroenterologist appointment for the same time and date. Will these people continue visiting such an establishment? After all the mess they are bound to go through, we don’t think so. This is where healthcare CRM development comes into play. Owners of medical centers can implement solutions that will help perfect the service and adjust all processes without being affected in any way by the human mistake. Below, we will discuss all the specific moments of building such software products.  

How Important is the Implementation of CRM in the Healthcare Industry?

So is it essentially important to make a healthcare CRM? Generally speaking, any CRM system treats healthcare consumers not as patients but as full-on customers (including the potential ones). This is where this tool is highly efficient - at attracting new customers. Thus, an implemented and customized CRM will let you involve all the online connection channels - from social media to ‘cold calls’. 

On the other hand, considering the fact that CRM provides establishments with a single centralized tool of interaction between the staff and patients, the healthcare CRM development can let you decrease the risks of ‘something going wrong. For instance, a nurse at the reception can forget to cancel an appointment, a doctor can forget to timely notify patients about going on vacation and switching them to another doctor, etc.

Another thing that healthcare CRM solution development can help medical administration do is accelerating all the in-house tasks completion. All dedicated employees get access to a single synchronized database that updates in real time. There is no need to transfer the same information from source to source a bunch of times. Not only this reduces the human factor negative effects probability, but it also allows existing staff to start working with a more significant number of customers. 

Healthcare CRM Functionality

Now, let’s find out what to go for exactly in terms of technical aspect once you decide to develop patient management software.

For patients

  • Calls processing. Your healthcare CRM software must feature the automatic processing of your customers’ incoming calls. In particular, the hospital’s site can display the relevant info on the business of doctors to let a patient choose the optimal time and schedule an appointment online.
  • Newsletter. CRM can autonomously organize the SMS, email, or voice notification newsletter based on the templated appointment times, special offers, diagnoses, medical prescriptions, sets of medicines, analysis and examination results, etc.
  • Automatic generation of a queue for reception & registration. Healthcare CRM should automate queues as well, which accelerates previously cumbersome registration process.

For staff

  • Centralized patient database updated online. All the required info on patients can be gathered in one place with the help of a CRM. In such a manner, doctors get an ability to view the clinical record and match it with the newly-received analyses results. The more precise information about a patient a doctor has, the more precisely they can diagnose them and prescribe the most proper medication.
  • Database of template documents for registration & further patient servicing. Such a database will help a doctor or nurse give a reception protocol to patients faster, as well as put the info in the medical treatment record. This feature is useful, basically, both to the staff of a clinic and administration because it allows reducing the time of reception without downgrading the quality of service. This will help you ultimately increase the total income of a clinic.
  • Appointments scheduling. A doctor can view their appointment hours at once and, if need be, correct them, having approved this previously with patients (some CRMs also imply the automated interaction with patients for customizing the appointment time).

For administration

  • Doctors’ performance statistics. This feature helps the administration to get relevant data on the productiveness of each doctor and to assess who is more profitable in their work. The schedule will also help optimize the stress load and identify which medical directions exactly bring profits and which are better shut down or modified.
  • Feedback. By integrating a CRM with a website of your healthcare organization, the administration will get access to feedback, which allows fixing many flaws and increasing the overall service quality.
  • Expense & income statistics. The dedicated graph will help you analyze the dynamics of profiting as well as monitor the efficiency of certain customer attracting offers. 
  • Calendar & notifications. Automatic notifications will minimize the forgetfulness of the staff registering patients and providing additional services for them.

Read alsoTypes of CRM Application Functionality

How to Make Custom Healthcare CRM: Summary

Summarizing our brief research on how to create a custom healthcare CRM, you can see that due to the medical CRM system development, medical establishments get:

  • tools for managing a single database of patients that backups all the files and updates in real time;
  • the increase in the level of service quality due to the full automation of business processes;
  • an ability to promptly inform employees about the reception of each patient as well as about the progress of a treatment process;
  • enhancement of check-in performance;
  • optimization of interaction between the departments;
  • optimization of the distribution of medical staff workload.