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How to Use Voice Commerce for Better Marketing and Promotion?

Why Voice Commerce is Vital Part Of Online Marketing Promotion.

How to Use Voice Commerce for Better Marketing and Promotion?

Saturday April 04, 2020 , 8 min Read

The use of home digital assistants has increased to a great extent in recent years. Customers can get easy access to each and everything these days, the internet has made it easy for them to access everything online. Today more than 3.9 users are posing access to the internet. Nowadays, customers are even embracing voice commerce while making a purchase online. 

Voice shopping has influenced the way customers make their online purchase, it has also affected their shopping behavior to a great extent due to which it has become important for businesses to pay attention to voice commerce. 

Voice commerce possesses the ability to revolutionize the way businesses advertise their business and reach consumer customers to sell their newly launched products or services. But before using V-Commerce, it becomes essential for them to know what it is and how it benefits their business?

What Voice Technology Really Means?

Today the internet has become a visual medium for customers, and due to regular internet access and usage, voice technology has gained also gained huge popularity among internet users. It has become the most disruptive force which helps brands to hit the competitive market and win the world. More than 20% of searches have been performed through voice-led until today. And it was also predicted that more than 50% of customers would leverage the use of voice-activated technology regularly during 2020. (Source)

Voice Commerce: Know How Businesses Can Use It 

Most of the people these days prefer to choose a voice search option when they want to search anything they want, this has given rise to voice commerce. It has bagged huge popularity among the customers in a very short duration of time. The use of voice search and device has increased by 200% this year. (Source)

According to a recent study, more than 58% of consumers preferred to go with a voice search when it comes to finding information related to locally developed businesses. Thus if any of the businesses who want to enhance their viability need to make sure that they leverage voice commerce as it can help them to stay ahead from the rest of the businesses in the market.


Image: (Source) 

There are various ways to leverage voice commerce for your business. Businesses can even use voice technology to enhance their marketing and promotional strategy. They can consider some of the proven ways to take their marketing and promotion of their business one step ahead of others, some of the most effective ways are discussed below. 

 Voice Apps

It becomes vital for businesses to understand how and why their targeted customers are using voice apps on a regular basis. By understanding it, you can get a clear idea to incorporate voice commerce into your business marketing strategy. Most of the people these days use voice search to find immediate information related to any of the brand or their products or services. They perform a search to find brands address, opening and closing hours, contact number, and much more. 

People now have started using many of the advanced voice devices like Google Home and Amazon's Alexa as it eases their purchase making process. One of the recent studies predicts that shopping through voice will increase from 5% to 50% by 2022. This reason is quite enough to explain why businesses must consider involving voice technology into their marketing strategy.


Image: (Source)

One of the Google studies reveals that around 52% of all households who use voice-activated devices prefer to receive information related to their business sales using this advanced device. Thus to increase their business sales, businesses are seeking to develop software application from reputed agency to involve voice technology, they are developing an advanced application with voice technology to provide an excellent experience to their potential customers. 

Ease Transaction Process

In a recent study, it was found that voice commerce sales have surpassed $1.8 billion in the past year, and it is expected to jump and reach $40 billion by 2022. It was also represented that grocery shopping has increased by 20% while the sale of clothing has been account for 8% of the increase in the past years. 

More than 19% of customers made a transaction of their purchase through Amazon Echo or any other voice assistant during past years. Besides this, more than 33% of other customers are planning to leverage the advantage of making transactions using voice assistants in the nearby future. It provides businesses with a huge number of opportunities, they can use this online platform to reach more customers worldwide. (Source)

Repeat Customers 

Voice-activated purchase can provide an end number of benefits to the customers, it can also help them to repeat customers and provide assurance that particular customer visits their store repeatedly. When a customer has the first-time visit to your business website, then voice assistance will request them to share the personal details like their good name, email id, contact number, and much more. 

If businesses are aiming to improve their business sales, then they need to make sure that they record each and everything about their customers. They can record their purchasing habits, acquired voices, personal information, etc. By knowing customers purchasing practices, they can offer them the product which they are more fond of, this can ensure that particular customers will make purchases from the particular repeatedly. 

Helps to Provide Unique Purchase Experience

It becomes important for businesses to provide unique experiences to customers each time they visit the brand, this can help them to impresses the customers who come to them. And such kind of appealing way is popularly known as a happy way, this way represents a day to day path of particular customers. It makes it easy for businesses to know which path is most likely followed by their targeted customers to finally arriving at their purchase decision. 

Develop Trust Among Customers 

Nowadays, voice commerce is mostly used by business entrepreneurs to make purchase journeys of customers more exciting. They can lower the confidence hurdle of their business by leveraging voice technology. Customers get great convenience, privacy, and security when businesses come up with the usage of voice technology for their business. 

Track Customers Data 

Many of the businesses have started using voice technology for accomplishing simple tasks within their business. They use it to discover the product, for influencing the purchase decisions of customers, and much more. According to the eMarketer report, besides audio listening and inquiries, shopping research is a popular use for smart speakers, 79% of times it is used for audio listening and inquiries, whereas 73% for news, and traffic. 

The same report also revealed that more than 31 million people in the U.S. prefer to search business products or services through a smart speaker, this number is raised by 31.6% from last year. And the figure is expected to jump and reach 38 million by 2022. And as more and more customers are preferring to use voice assistants, it collects large amounts of data from the customers, which can later be used by businesses to make them loyal one for their brand. (Source)

Voice SEO

Nowadays, voice app discovery is used to precede the shopping process. Voice SEO is a simple process that involves some of the advanced SEO strategies which are not involved in the traditional SEO process. Considering this SEO strategy businesses can easily enhance their business visibility and helps them to reach more customers worldwide. 

Businesses need to make sure that their targeted customers can easily find them whenever they search through Google Assistance and Alexa. If they want those customers must find then they need to consider voice SEO for their business, this SEO can help them to enhance their voice visibility and helps to reach those customers who are searching for them through voice assistance. It can also help them to grab more traffic for their business. 


Businesses have come across both the mobile and web and era, they need to promote their business in the critical era to increase their awareness regarding their digital key features and properties. If they are developing a voice commerce strategy for their business, then they must also consider promotion as one of the primary aspects. 

Businesses can develop voice apps for their business as it provides them with numerous opportunities. They can know their targeted customer's purchase habits, convey them to reorder, and much more. If businesses succeed to convey their customers to make a purchase from them, then it's sure that they can easily improve their purchase frequency and profit ratio. 

Be the First One to Leverage Advantage of Voice Commerce!

Voice commerce is the future and represents a completely new shopping channel for customers. Businesses can leverage many advantages if they switch to voice commerce, it can help them to make their business future proof. Many of the businesses are focusing on finding where their customers are when they are making any of the shopping decisions. 

True omnichannel strategies have given rise to voice commerce, as it can be considered as one of the mandatory parts of it. Businesses need to understand the importance of voice commerce and must step ahead to leverage competitive advantages in their business field.