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Xamarin vs React Native: Which is the best framework?

Xamarin vs React Native: Which is the best framework?

Monday June 17, 2019 , 5 min Read

With an ever-increasing number of organizations joining the foray the demand for mobile applications has been developing to an enormous extent. What matters for the mobile app developer is app’s performance, they will look for the quickest, least expensive, simplest approaches to create and deploy high performing apps.  Numerous organizations try to build up an application which works both on iOS and Android and this is the reason why they choose cross-platform solutions. If we search for an app, every day we came across some kind of app and to secure the top slot many application developers climbing over one another. For making a mind-boggling application is to have the right choice of tools. But now as there has been a shift in this trend there are several tools available yet we will talk about Xamarin and React Native, and you can pick one of them for your task.

A Brief Introduction To React Native vs Xamarin

A Brief Introduction To React Native vs Xamarin

Benefits of Xamarin Development

  • Native Performance
  • Simplified Maintenance
  • Hardware Support
  • Strong Corporate Support
  • Code Maintenance

  1. Native Performance: We can access each and every native API and it is possible to use the completely native UI, Bluetooth, SDKs, etc. Xamarin allows you to create immaculate experiences using specific UI platforms. Xamarin can take the full advantage of both the system & hardware-specific APIs. The applications which are created on the Xamarin platform are basically considered very close to the native application. For platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows, simple applications can be easily developed using the Xamarin platform.
  2. Simplified Maintenance: Due to its cross-platform application maintaining and updating the applications built using Xamarin platform requires less work. Once you have deployed the changes to the source file then they will be applied to both the iOS and Android applications. Hence, it helps you to save your time and money while keeping your apps up to date.
  3. Hardware Support: Applications which can be created using Xamarin through many plug-ins and APIs which provide us with native-level support of device hardware. Using Xamarin, your solution gets the native-level app functionality and also helps in eliminating the hardware compatibility issues. It also supports linking with native libraries and allows for better customization.
  4. Strong Corporate Support: After the company was acquired by Microsoft in the year February 2016 and Xamarin policies underwent few changes and Xamarin SDK includes runtime, command line tools, libraries available for all under the MIT license. Well, in general, Xamarin now has become a reliable and powerful tech stack.
  5. Code Maintenance: When you have more than one platform involved maintaining an application in a working condition is actually very tricky. Every little change has to be propagated through other platforms such as iOS, Android, other platforms and Xamarin has the advantage here as it provides interchangeability of code between the platforms.

Benefits of React Native Development

  • Reusable Codes & Pre-Built Components
  • Large Community
  • Hot Reloading
  • Third-party Plugins Support
  • Simplified User Interface

  1. Reusable Codes & Pre-Built Components: One of the greatest advantages that you can gain from React Native is the code reusability. There is no need to develop a separate mobile app for each platform as 90% of the React Native code can be reused between iOS and Android. As this is one of the unique features, the developers will in general spare a ton of time and furthermore shorten the expense of application improvement too. React native auto increases the speed of development as it has In-built pre defined/developed component which are available in their open library. It simply means that the codes are already written in advance and you are just required to implement it according to the app requirements.
  2. Large Community: It is an open source platform which means that this technology is open for everyone and is available for free to everyone in React Native Community. Also, an added advantage is that if any developer gets stuck in between while developing an application, the developer can take the help of the community members.
  3. Hot Reloading: It includes the feature known as hot reloading which is based on Hot Module Replacement (HMR). The main benefit of the hot reload is the ability to make changes in the source code so that you don’t need the app recompilation for viewing the codes.
  4. Third-party Plugins Support: React Native offers the support for the third-party plugins and basically the plugins are of two types known as native modules and JavaScript modules. It allows us to link any plugin with a native or third-party module.
  5. Simplified User Interface: Rather than being a framework it is known as an open-source JavaScript library as it offers us the simplified mobile User Interface. When creating an ideal mobile application it is important to create a sequence of actions as React Native is the optimum choice for getting it.

According to you who won the Xamarin vs React Native?

Well, at this point you must have gotten an idea about the fundamental contrasts between these two. Both xamarin and react native is different from each other and each one of them gives various advantages. To choose one from this will not be an easy task.

What do brands prefer?

Before diving deep let’s look at which brands used brands use Xamarin framework and which brands use the React Native framework.

What do brands prefer?

What you should choose?

Since we have seen every single part of both the development platforms, we can say that no one can tell without a doubt that one is superior to the next in each viewpoint. Both the development platforms are good for application advancement however each is utilized to satisfy a specific need that different has not satisfied yet.

On the other hand, if you need less cost and love C# then selecting Xamarin will be the best option. Else, if you need plugins, strong community, simplified user interface then React Native will be the best option. Choosing React Native will be a good option if your developer is experienced in JavaScript and React.